♦ Delivers first services by providing Internet connections in war-ravaged towns throughout the former Yugoslavia
Late 1990s
♦ Works with the U.S. State Department on first assignment to bring the Internet to Kosovo

♦ Pilots Video Visit Program in Pristina, Kosovo

♦ Introduces Community Health Information Centers delivering HIV/AIDS education in 25 communities in Kenya, with support from the U.S. National Institutes of Health
♦ Works in partnership with the U.S. Department of State to install and operate seven Internet Access Centers in Kosovo
♦ Expands HIV/AIDS training program in Kenya
♦ Increases reconstruction assistance in Bosnia, establishing three Community Health
Information Centers |

♦ Collaborates with the American Federation of Teachers to bring a Community Education Center to Sierra Leone
♦ Cuts ribbon on first medical training facility at Medical City Center in Baghdad. Launches nine Medical Information Centers elsewhere in Iraq
♦ Opens medical information center in Nairobi. Ambassador Johnnie Carson delivers
opening speech

♦ Opens first two Medical Information Centers in Leon, Nicaragua
♦ Installs the first Medical Information Center at the University of Prishtina Medical School, Kosovo
 ♦ Opens three new Medical Information Centers in Serbia with support of The Medtronic Foundation

♦ Completes final installation of 39 Medical Information Centers in Iraq
♦ Launches Telemedicine program between hospitals in Iraq and medical facilities
in the United States

♦ Expands Medical Information Center Program in the former Yugoslavia, opening two new
facilities in Bosnia
♦ Opens Medical Information Centers in Nicaragua, Honduras and El Salvador
♦ Is awarded Public Health Hero Award by
UC Berkeley School of Public Health

♦ Expands Telemedicine Network to include five more centers in Nicaragua, Honduras
and El Salvador
 ♦ Brings medical and health information to underserved and remote communities in the Peruvian Amazon via first use of
computer training there
 ♦ Launches Graduate Certificate Program
in Kenya
♦ Works with China California Heart Watch cardiologists to develop hypertension, stroke and heart murmur modules in Mandarin for doctors
 ♦ Works with Armenia volunteers to brings health training throughout Armenia
♦ Launches Health Education Learning Portal to introduce an expanded Community Health Education e-library
 ♦ Presents Ebola training program in West Africa, first of its kind in the world
♦ Premieres its Filling Station to expand the global reach of its e-library to communities who are
off the grid
♦ Provides Community Health Education e-library modules in remote villages in Tanzania
♦ Releases Zika Rapid Response Module as cases multiply and suspicions grow about related birth defects in English, Spanish and Portuguese
♦ Launches the Community Health Education Initiative in Honor of the late U.S. Ambassador
J. Christopher Stevens
♦ Delivers 10-part Echo training course to cardiologists at world conference in Melbourne
♦ Provides health education modules to
doctors in Haiti

♦ Releases Rheumatic Heart Disease modules and animations in Arabic, Spanish and Portuguese
♦ Unveils Electronic Medical Record System in Peruvian Amazon

♦ Releases comprehensive Mother and Child Health series of some two dozen modules for use in schools, clinics and hospitals
♦ Releases extensive Training Courses for Communities: How to Prepare for and
Manage Epidemics
♦ Offers now nearly 100 modules in languages other than English

♦ Offers some 400 modules in its e-library
♦ Celebrates 20th anniversary of providing free health care information to underserved communities throughout the world
♦ Launches Health Module Access Program (HealthMAP) to enable users to create their own customized collection of health learning modules

♦ Establishes EMR System Database in WiRED Center in Kisumu, Kenya
♦ Awards first-ever Faye Cohen Certificates for Mother and Child Health Certificates in Kenya
♦ Co-authors article on One Health in The Medical Journal of Southern California Clinicians and continues to promote the One Health philosophy

♦ Underlines climate change, the environment and the One Health concept in stories and editorials
♦ Continues to circulate modules in Mother and Child Health Series
♦ Begins work on Community Health Worker Program training and curriculum
and releases first of 14 modules in
Community Health Worker Program

♦ Prepares for an early 2020 launch of CHW training program in four countries
♦ Signs memorandum of understanding with Armenia Ministry of Health
♦ Steps up response to climate change by posting stories and editorials
♦ Continues to support the One Health philosophy

♦ Coauthors article on the quiet work of disease prevention in The Medical Journal of Southern California Clinicians