Erin Burgoon Joins the WiRED International Advisory Board


WiRED International is pleased to name Erin Burgoon, Ph.D., as our newest Advisory Board member. Dr. Burgoon lives in San Francisco and works there as a quantitative user experience researcher for a major social media company. She has dedicated herself to applying the rigor of experimental social science to user experience research.


Dr. Burgoon received her B.A. in psychology at the University of Michigan and her Ph.D. in social psychology at the University of Texas at Austin. She has published articles in various psychological journals, such as Social Psychological and Personality Science, and has presented and lectured at numerous conferences and workshops.


Dr. Burgoon said, "I am honored to be offered a spot on the WiRED Advisory Board and gladly accept. One of the main reasons I joined the private sector was to use my academic background to have real impact in the world. Since day 1, I have pursued that mission with communities in need. . . and I cannot wait to see what we can do when we tap into the potential of combining psychology and social media.”